Relazioni Digitali Apps

Made In Piemonte 2.1
La app Made in Piemonte offre al turista lapossibilità di creare dei percorsi turistici nelle aziended’eccellenza piemontesi.Il turista vive un turismo fatto di esperienze e emozioni. Diventaprotagonista attraverso test sensoriali, degustazioni, provepratiche. Vive la visita in modo interattivo, scopre i processiproduttivi, i segreti del mestiere.Le aziende propongono un turismo esperienziale e inedito con lapossibilità di scoprire gli showroom e le offerte.Made in Piemonte è un progetto che vede la Regione Piemontecapofila in collaborazione con Unioncamere Piemonte, Valais/WallisPromotion e Institut de Tourisme Sierre Valais nella realizzazionedi itinerari turistici presso imprese piemontesi e svizzere. Ilprogetto mira a creare una nuova forma di turismo in impreseappartenenti a settori che maggiormente si relazionano con lacultura, la storia e la tradizione industriale dei territoricoinvolti.The app Made in Piedmontoffers visitors the opportunity to create tourist routes in thecompanies of excellence Piedmont.The tourist lives a fact of tourism experiences and emotions.Become a protagonist through sensory testing, tasting, testingpractices. Lives visit interactively, discovers the productionprocesses, the secrets of the trade.The companies propose a novel experiential tourism and with thechance to discover the showrooms and offers.Made in Piedmont is a project in which the Piedmont Regional leaderin collaboration with Unioncamere Piemonte, Valais / WallisPromotion and Institut de Tourisme Valais Sierre in the creation oftourist itineraries in Piedmont companies and Swiss. The projectaims to create a new form of tourism enterprises in sectors thatmostly relate to the culture, history and industrial heritage ofthe territories involved.
ECE 2016 1.0.0
On 6th and 7th October 2016 the AssociazioneGranaria of Torino and Associazione Granaria of Milano areorganizing in Turin the 56th edition of the European CommoditiesExchange, the most important international appointment for thecereal and agro-food sector. Two days dedicated to business,parties and meetings. The whole production and distribution chainwill be represented - from producers to processors, through cerealstorage companies, importers and exporters, market informationservice operators and inspectors, as well as connected serviceoperators, such as maritime logistics, road haulage and railtransport companies, brokers, banking and insurance companies, allthe operators working in the international sector of cereals andagro-food commodities.